
Overzicht Levensvaardigheden publicaties en materialen:

  1. Fekkes, M., Van de Sande, M.C. E., Gravesteijn, J.C., Pannebakker, F.D.,Buijs, G.J., Diekstra, R.F.W. &  Kocken, P.L. (2015). Effects of the Dutch Skills for Life program on the health behaviour,  bullying and suicidal ideation of secondary school students.  Health Education (Accepted for publication).


  1. Racz, A., Diekstra, R.F.W., van de Sande, M. e.a. (2015) SELVET. Social and Emotional Learning in Vocational Education. An introduction. Report Lifelong Learning Programme, Brussels: European Commission, ref. nr.013-1-H01-LEO 04 – 10210, pp. 91


  1. Diekstra, R.F.W. The Netherlands. Country report on Social Emotional Learning. In: Racz, A., Diekstra, R.F.W., van de Sande, M. e.a. (2015) SELVET. Social and Emotional Learning in Vocational Education Education and Training. An introduction. Report Lifelong Learning Programme, Brussels: European Commission, ref. nr.013-1-H01-LEO 04 – 10210, pp. 60-70


  1. Gravesteijn, C , Diekstra R, & Petterson, D  (2013b). The effects of Social Emotional Learning Program on bullying and parents’perspective. The European Journal of Social and Behavioural Sciences, V 1005-1014


  1. M, Diekstra, R.F.W., Gravesteijn, J.C., Ben, J., Ritter, M. ( 2012) Effectiveness of School-based Universal Social, Emotional and Behavioral Programs: Do They Enhance Students’ Development in the Area of Skill, Behavior, and Adjustment?. Psychology in the Schools. 49, 9, 892-909


  1. Gravesteijn, J.C., Diekstra, R. F.W., Sklad, M., Winter, (2011). The Effects of a Dutch School-Based Social and Emotional Learning Programme (SEL) on suicidality in adolescents. The International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 13(4), pp. 4-16.


  1. Gravesteijn, J.C., (2010). Programma’s voor Levensvaardigheden op school.Achtergronden, ontwikkeling en evaluatie van onderwijs in sociale enemotionele vaardigheden. Proefschrift Ipskamp Drukkers B.V., Enschede:Ipskamp Drukkers B.V .


  1. Diekstra, R.F.W., Wubs, J.M., Vreeburg, L.E., Sklad, M., & de Ruiter,M. (2010). Towards a Canon of child and adolescent development and upbringing. In: Clouder, C., Heys, B., Matthes, M. (Eds.) Improving the quality of childhood in the European Union. Current Perspectives. Brussels: Jean Monet Publications. pp. 61-81.


  1. Diekstra, R.F.W. (2010) The Changing Face of Adolescence. In: Clouder, C., Heys, B., Matthes, M. (Eds.) Improving the Quality of Childhood in the European Union. Current Perspectives. Brussels: Jean Monet publications, p. 127-141


  1. Diekstra, R., Sklad. M.,Gravesteijn, J.C., Ben, J., Ritter, M.(2008), Teaching Social and Emotional Skills Worldwide: A meta-analytic review of effectiveness. In: Clouder, , Dahlin, B, Diekstra, R.F.W., Berrocal, P.B., Heys, B., Lantieri, L, Paschen, H, (eds.)   Social and emotional education: an international analysis. Santander: Marcelino Botin Publishers, pp. 258-284


  1. Diekstra, R.F.W. & Gravesteijn, J.C. (2008) A Review of meta-analytic literature reviews. In: Clouder, , Dahlin, B, Diekstra, R.F.W., Berrocal, P.B., Heys, B., Lantieri, L, Paschen, H, (eds.)   Social and emotional education: an international analysis. Santander: Marcelino Botin Publishers, p.258-284.


  1. Diekstra, R.F.W.(2008). Social and Emotional Education, or Skills for Life, in the Netherlands: a Review of History, Policies and Practices. In: Clouder, C, Dahlin, B., Diekstra, R.F.W., Berrocal, P.B., Heys, B., Lantieri, L, Paschen, H, (eds.) Social and emotional education: an international analysis. Santander: Marcelino Botin Publishers,   119-149.


  1. Clouder, C., Dahlin, B, Diekstra, R.F.W., Berrocal, P.B., Heys, B., Lantieri, L, Paschen, H, (eds.) (2008). Social and emotional education: an international analysis. Santander: Marcelino Botin Publishers, pp. 312.


  1. See also for full texts of 5-8 :


  1. Gravesteijn, C., Diekstra, R.F.W, Wilde, E.J. de, & Koren, E. (2004a). Effecten van ‘Levensvaardigheden’. Een vaardigheidsprogramma voor adolescenten. In: Kind en adolescent, 25, 227-290.


  1. Gravesteijn, J.C. & Diekstra, R.F.W. (2004b). Waardig en vaardig in het leven. Hoe jongeren sociaal en emotioneel uit te rusten voor de volwassenheid. Lisse: Harcourt Assessment BV. (in voorbereiding)
  1. Pannebakker, F., Genugten, van L., Diekstra, R., Gravesteijn, C., Fekkes, M., Kuiper R., & Kocken. P. Effects of a Social and Emotional Learning School Curriculum for Adolescents on Self-efficacy and Mental Wellbeing: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Intervention Study (in preparation).


Lesmateriaal Levensvaardigheden

  1. Gravesteijn,C. & Diekstra, R.F.W. (2005). Levensvaardigheden 0.3. Docenten en leerlingenmateriaal VWO tot VMBO.   Rotterdam: GGD Rotterdam


  1. Gravesteijn,C. & Diekstra, R.F.W. (2001). Levensvaardigheden 0.2. Docenten en leerlingenmateriaal VWO tot VMBO.   Rotterdam: GGD Rotterdam


  1. Gravesteijn, C. & Diekstra, R.F.W. (2000a). Evaluatie rapport. Levensvaardigheden. Rotterdam: GGD Rotterdam sector Jeugd.11. Gravesteijn,C. & Diekstra, R.F.W. (2000b). Levensvaardigheden. Docentenmateriaal. Rotterdam: GGD Rotterdam.


  1. Gravesteijn,C. & Diekstra, R.F.W. (1999). Levensvaardigheden 0.1 Docenten en leerlingenmateriaal VWO tot VMBO.  Rotterdam: GGD Rotterdam.


  1. Gravesteijn J.C. & Diekstra, R.F.W.(1999) Levensvaardigheden: een vak apart (interne publicatie). Rotterdam: GGD Rotterdam e.o.